Music sheet / Partition : Pezzo i for piano by tapio sayppo
Intense, forceful music of our time for technically and emotionally highly skilled pianists and demanding audiences.
10 music pages (16 all in all)
ISMN 979-0-9001735-1-5 (PDF)
Composer's dedication: To Susse, to spoil the joy of passing the matriculation examination (a warm joke, which actually means 'congratulations, Susanna')

style"font-size: 14px !important;"> [...]
senza rit. senza rit.
Boringly exquisitely Kyllästyttävän herkästi
molto rit. molto rit. Pezzo (2.0.2)
Even more horribly | Entistäkin hirvittävämmin 138 70 74 77
80 6 Pezzo I (2.0.2)
82 84
86 88 89 7 Pezzo I (2.0.2)