Music sheet / Partition : One way (organ duet) by tapio sayppo
Organ duet for two players on one organ with two or more manuals and a pedalboard
A word from the composer: One Way is humorous and funny ”walking music”, not to be taken seriously in any way whatsoever. The organists should play it smiling, looking glad and happy, even jumping on their bench (easier said than done, of course) – thus delivering a good feeling and delightful music experience to the audience.
16 pages, duration (ca.) 5 minutes 7 seconds
Dedicated to the international organ duo Elena Kalashnikova and Luca Massaglia
ISMN 979-0-9001707-9-8 (PDF)

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Organ Organ
Smiling Way
Dedicated international organ duo
Elena Kalashnikova Luca Massaglia
© 2017 Tapio Säyppö
Tapio Säyppö (Helsinki 2017)
A word from composer: humorous funny ”walking music”, taken seriouslyin whatsoever. organists should play smiling, looking glad happy, even jumping ontheir bench (easier said than done, course) thus delivering good feeling delightful musicexperience audience.
39 I II
poco rit. poco rit. A tempo ( ) 42 m.s. m.d. m.s. m.d. D 10
Tapio Säyppö: One Way
rit. rit. 51 I II
A tempo 54 E 12
Tapio Säyppö: One Way
rit. rit. A tempo 64 F I II
rit. rit. 67 14
Tapio Säyppö: One Way
(poco rit.) (A tempo) 76 I II
molto rit. molto rit. 79 16
Tapio Säyppö: One Way